Which is Better, Timing Belt or Timing Chain?
What is the Difference?
The timing system is one of the most important parts of the engine. It keeps the camshafts and the crankshaft pulleys in sync, ensuring that the pistons and engine valves do not collide. Historically, it was developed using a rubber Timing Belt, but as time has gone on and with further product development the Timing Chain was introduced as a replacement. Despite this innovation many manufacturers to this day are still using Timing Belts.
Due to constant development, it is very difficult to determine which option is better, however in this article we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both and see if we can come to a conclusion.
The Timing Belt
This is a more simple system when compared to the timing chain. It does not require lubrication and is typically fitted on the exterior of the engine, usually protected by a plastic cover. From a manufacturers point of view this is cheaper to produce and results in a quieter engine, which can be more appealing to some drivers. It can be argued that the belt is also more efficient due to its smoother rotation and more precise timing. Additionally, there is less friction loss due to the teeth designed to mesh with those on the sprockets, giving it a tighter grip.

The timing belt is much easier to replace as it is on the outside of the engine. With the water pump being part of the same system this can be replaced at the same time for a reduced labour cost.
The timing belt would need replacing every 40,000 – 60,000 miles (80,000 – 100,000 with some modern belts). The material will start to dry and crack with age and this is accelerated by any contamination of fluid, such as oil or coolant, extreme high and low temperatures and the quality of driving. In a worst case scenario, a failing timing belt can snap without warning and this can lead to catastrophic engine damage.
The Timing Chain
The main advantage of a chain is that they tend to be more durable and can handle more power, which is why more demanding vehicles will favour them over a belt. There is a common misconception that once a timing chain is fitted it will last the lifespan of the engine. As with most mechanical components the chain is still subject to wear over time. The main factor that will determine the lifespan of the chain is how often appropriate maintenance is carried out. You can read more about this here>
The timing chain is installed on the inside of the engine, as it does require lubrication, meaning that it can be more difficult to replace. Most manufacturers don’t specify a replacement interval.

If the chain is not maintained correctly it can begin to wear, typically this happens due to a lack of lubrication or using the incorrect oil type. As this happens the chain will start to rattle and this is a good indicator that it may need replacing. This is a huge advantage over a timing belt which will give no clear indication that it may be about to snap.
On the rare occasion that the timing chain breaks while driving this can result in some serious damage to the engine. If the chain were to snap while the vehicle is operational this will throw pieces of metal around the engine like shrapnel.
Does my Vehicle have a Chain or a Belt?
The quickest and easiest way to answer this question is to take a look inside the engine bay. If there is a plastic cover on the front or side of the engine this is a timing belt as they do not need to run in oil. If there is a sealed metal cover then this is likely to be a timing chain, as this is to prevent the oil from leaking.
Please note however that some engines run a wet timing belt, which is a timing belt that does operate while submerged in oil. Click here to read more about wet timing belts and the issues surrounding them>
In Conclusion
Overall, there is no definitive answer as to which one is better as they both serve the same purpose with a few pros and cons each.
The timing belt is a lot tighter, cheaper and you may see slightly better results in terms of efficiency. On the other hand a timing chain can be used for more powerful applications, may last longer with regular maintenance and can give a clear auditory indication that it is about to fail.
Timing chains seem like the better solution but due to the inconsistencies across manufacturers and the efficiency lost due to chain rattling it’s hard to place them as the truly superior option. Timing belts are cheap, easy to install and can be quite reliable but with the risk of destroying the entire engine with no warning it is hard to place them at the top either.
GT Automotive Timing Chain & Timing Belt Kits
At the end of the day vehicle manufacturers will continue to use both and with persistent issues it’s important to have a good range of aftermarket timing belt and timing chain kits. We understand the importance of the system and this is why we stock a range of timing chain and timing belt kits to cover most relevant applications. Our kits are designed to match or exceed OE quality, with 4 decades of combined OE experience coming together to establish our high level of standard.
Find out more about our Timing Chain Kits
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